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Introducing our law firm

Founded in 2004,
The Rivermead Parnership Specialises in
Expert Reports and Assistance to Law Firms and Financial Instituitions on Financial Regulatory Matters.

Introducing Our


The Rivermead Partnership has a history of assisting Legal Practices and Financial Companies with expert reports and providing advice on Financial regulatory matters.

Our particular expertise is the diagnosis of claims brought by Law Firms and Claims management companies.Due to knowledge in the field we can give surety to the cases in hand or to stop unwarranted claims progressing.

The work includes:

Expert SIPP mis selling reports.

Mortgage Arrears Claims.

PPI and Plevin Calculations and Reports.

Mortgage mis selling reports.

Film Tax Scheme advice and reporting.

Undisclosed Commission Claims.



Our Business Sectors


Sipp Mis Selling

We have advised many Law Firms on the matter of Pension mis selling and have worked in excess of 3000 cases to a successful outcome. 


Mortgage Claims

With hundreds of cases associated with arrears charges and mortgage mis selling we are confident that our input will help companies  recognise areas for improvement.


PPI and Plevin

The correct calculation of PPI redress is something that many banks and credit companies have failed in adhering to the FCA rules and guidance.

We provide accurate calculations and expert reports if required.


Undisclosed Commissions

 We are able to offer expert reports in the growing field of undisclosed commissions.

The work relates mainly to secured second charge lending and energy contracts.

Our Principle

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Simon Dorrell is the Sole Director of the Rivermead Partnership Limited.


Having a 37 year background in financial services.


A history of assisting hundreds of financial claims brought against lenders.


We have advised on a very high proportion of cases brought to us by solicitors to reject the claim, as on examination in our opinion, they have had no merit.


Advised countless law firms, claims companies, lenders in the mis selling of financial products.


One of the first to identify the mis selling of SIPPs by brokers and instrumental in bringing Sipp Companies Duties into the regulatory and legal framework.


Succeeded in changing policy at the Financial Services Compensation Scheme with regard to quantum of loss and dual claims for Sipps.


Works closely with Barristers and Solicitors who are engaged in Financial Claims for both Claimants and Defendants.



There Is No Lawyer More Eloquent Than the Heart.

Sylvain Maréchal (1788)

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